About Us

Ojewelries is designed to provide simple yet elegant fine luxury jewelries. With great high-end quality, they are very wearable, super easy to match any outfit while appealing to any level of budget. Each one of them deserves to be owned and carried to the next generations as family heirloom.

Our team consists of experienced fine jewelry designers, senior sales professionals, each of the diamond was cut by the Best professional cutter in the industry, each of the jewelry was handcrafted in the best jewelry shop in the world. Each piece is a piece of fine art specifically made for each client, we don't mess produce our beautiful jewelries. 

Help the girls and ladies to treat themselves better, to love themselves more. With this Absolute Mission, we also put aside 1% of our net profit to set up a need based charity for getting connected with United Nations Women to help women from world wide.

Ojewelries 是一个轻奢珠宝品牌,旨在为女性朋友提供高质量,高佩戴率,高搭配率,日常佩戴舒服,值得珍藏,更值得传承的性价比极高的高端珠宝。


Ojewelries自诞生之日起,就担负着一个使命——帮助女性朋友对自己更好,更爱自己! 为此,我们把公司净盈利的1% 用来建立一个基金,参与到联合国妇女署的活动中,帮助到世界上更多有需要的女性。